Episode 008 | John Finley, star of Faith of Angels

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In today's episode, John Michael Finley discusses his experience working on the film 'Faith of Angels' and the importance of communication and a positive atmosphere on set. He emphasizes the need for actors to be included in the game plan and to have a clear understanding of the project. John also shares his considerations as an actor, including family commitments and the importance of working with people he admires. The conversation highlights the value of independent filmmaking and the impact it can have on actors and audiences. In this part of the conversation, John discusses the importance of communication and collaboration in the filmmaking process. He shares his experience of meeting the real-life person he portrayed in the film and the impact it had on his performance. They also discuss the responsibility of actors in promoting and supporting independent films. John emphasizes the need for good storytelling and the positive impact it can have on audiences. They conclude by discussing the upcoming release of the film and the importance of audience support. In this final part of the conversation, the hosts discuss the importance of actors who are also producers and the responsibilities that come with that role. They also talk about the costs associated with theatrical releases and the goal of breaking into the top 10 box office. The hosts emphasize the need to focus on long-term success rather than just the opening weekend numbers. They also mention the success of independent films like 'Horizons' and 'Kinds of Kindness' and the impact of media coverage on film promotion.
Episode 008 | John Finley, star of Faith of Angels
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